
Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Five

  • We'll be "celebrating" St. Patrick's Day on Sunday instead of Saturday.  Kat suggested earlier this week that we have an "international dinner" every night, choosing foods from a different country each time.  I think I've talked her down to just once or twice a month instead of every night.  Our first meal will be Irish, but Kat will be with her mom tomorrow, so we're shooting for Sunday.
  • Our spring garden is almost complete now.  Asparagus, rhubarb, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, elderberries, garlic and Jerusalem artichokes were already in the ground.  To date this year, we've planted more strawberries, more asparagus, potatoes, shell peas, snow peas, three kinds of lettuce, radishes, carrots, green onions, and beets.  We still have Swiss chard, turnips and some brassicas (kohlrabi, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage) to put in, probably today.  We've also planted ground cherries, which are completely new to us.  Has anyone else ever grown them?  Seems like I read about them on someone's blog last year (was that you, OBQ?)
  • We have tulips coming up out front, and we really had to rack our brains to remember how they got there.  Finally we decided we got them from a friend last summer, along with several other perennials and bulbs.  I guess we put them in the ground and promptly forgot them.  Oh well, it was a nice surprise.
  • I just spent a good twenty minutes researching whether it should be "rack our brains" or "wrack our brains" with no definitive results.  Some sites say one is correct, some say the other, and some say either is right.  From now on, I'll just say "we had to think really hard".
  • Kat and I got our hairs cut this week.  Mine was really more of a trim, or re-layering, if you will.  The stylist told me my hair is "really healthy".  I'm pleased with that, because for months,  I've used nothing but our homemade bar soap on my hair, with an occasional rinse of apple cider vinegar and an even more occasional olive oil treatment.  Then the stylist proceeded to use shampoo, conditioner and hairspray on my hair.  My hair felt so dry and looked very frizzy when I left the shop, and I'm soooo not used to all those smells.  I could hardly wait to get home and wash it all out.  LOL!