
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Garden Tuesday - First Day of Spring

Geometric strawberries.

We had very warm weather all last week with nothing but more nice weather in the extended forecast.  The calendar says spring is here, and I believe it.  Not saying that cooler weather couldn't return or a frost couldn't happen, but I'm just not feeling like it will.

We've been busy growing our garden area.  We started out a few years ago with three raised beds.  We've added at least one bed each year and started planting in-ground at our fence line.  This year we've added three plant pyramids, four boxed-in raised beds of various sizes, an "un-boxed" mounded raised bed , trenches for potatoes and a conventionally-tilled plot to try our hand at raising corn.  We've nearly doubled our garden space this year.

This time of year, new beauty can be seen daily, whether in the form of something we planted or in the form of plants and trees that were already here when we moved in six years ago.  Here are some photos of what was going on Sunday afternoon.  Hopefully it will be sunny the next time I take garden shots.

This pic shows about half of our raised beds and the three pyramids.

Closest to the camper are our three original beds and
one we added the second year of gardening.

The two background pyramids have strawberries in them.  If you look closely at the pyramid in the foreground, you can see seedlings just emerging.  This structure is planted with lettuces, radishes, carrots, beets and green onions.

These are made from a split tractor rim and have 1st-year asparagus
planted in them. The mounded bed behind will eventually
be planted in bush beans.

This square bed we added a couple of weeks ago has been planted with ground cherries.  Nothing is planted in the two new beds behind/beside it yet.

Our first small strawberry blossoms.

Marching March peas.

Container chives coming back for a third season.

Redbud buds not quite ready to open.

This post is being shared at Garden Tuesday at Sidewalk Shoes.