
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Garden Tuesday - A Peek At My Bloomers

We had around 3-1/2 inches of rain last week, spread over 4-5 days, with moderate temps in the 60s.  Then it was warm and sunny over the weekend, so now everything's really started to grow.  Shane (and some other folks on our street) has mowed twice already, and our veggie gardens are looking a little greener by the day.  Maybe next week I'll have some more edibles to show you, but for this week, here are some blooms-n-blossoms.

A young rhododendron.

Bee in the white bud tree.

Crab apple blossoms.

Tulip that Kat brought home from school one day.

Red bud blossoms that were just buds last week.

This post is being shared at Garden Tuesday with Sidewalk Shoes.