Friday, April 20, 2012
Our First Little Harvest
If you don't count the asparagus, which is always the first food from our garden, we had our first little harvest late last week. Here are radishes, some mixed lettuces, and more asparagus. It doesn't look like much, but it was enough for side salad for supper one night and lunch the next day.
Also in the garden, Shane unearthed this small snake, who didn't want to be disturbed from its hibernation. We didn't try to uncoil it, but we guessed it to be 12-14 inches long. Not very big, but probably the biggest we've found in our yard. It appears to be another midland brown snake (like one we found earlier this year), and is beneficial in the garden, so we moved it to warm soil away from where we were working and gently covered it with more soil so it could continue its nap.
Our First Little Harvest
Annie at Haphazard Homestead