
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Bi-Monthly Book Look - May/June

I don't have much to add here this time around.  Gardening, RVing, swimming and other summer fun has kept me from reading as much as usual.  I do read nightly, but these days I'm so tired that I barely make it through a few pages before I crash.

Wind Through The Keyhole - Stephen King
My Rating: 3 out of 5.  This story is an afterthought, of sorts, to The Dark Tower series of novels.  To describe it wouldn't do much good unless you, too, are a fan of the series.  I am a long-time fan of Stephen King and of the DT series, but this story just didn't do much for me.

Lost Memory of Skin - Russell Banks
My Rating: 4 out of 5.  This novel is about homeless sex offenders living under a causeway because they can't, by law, live anywhere else.  These men, some rightly convicted and some not, but who have all served their prison sentence, are just trying to survive.  It is a much less disturbing book than it sounds.  The specific crimes are not detailed; the way in which these men try to turn their lives around (with little success) is.

I am deep into three more books as I post this, so I hope to have more books to write about in August.  Meanwhile, I am right on course with my reading goal of 26 books in 2012.