
Monday, July 2, 2012

An Early Birthday for Kat

Kat's birthday is the Fourth of July, which is also the day we will be leaving for our camping trip. My daughter wanted to celebrate before we leave, so with the help (and home) of her mother-in-law, the two of them hosted a great party for Kat yesterday. It was a Lego-themed party with Lego cupcakes, Lego candy, and Lego free-play, as well as a few rousing games of bingo, a coloring session, and some free time to visit. It was a fun afternoon!

The birthday girl, and her doll, who is currently named Sage.

Our friend Chris with his son Jude.  My daughter T doing the classic rabbit ears photo bomb.

Kat and cousins, coloring in the kitchen. (I love a little alliteration...LOL).

Yummy cupcakes with little candy Lego figures on top.

Lego construction site.

My daughter T., son-in-law M., Kat, and me.

Lego construction challenge.  Build your favorite food with Legos!
I'm not sure anyone met that particular challenge.

Kat with M and her Grandma K.

Jude contemplates what will come next.

Kat and her step-dad.

Kat and her mom.
Can you believe T. photo-bombed again??  This time it worked well.

A fashion statement.

They say imitation is the highest form of flattery.

Grandma K. with colorful balloons.  Did you know there is a helium shortage??

Lego figures climbing the balloon strings.

Kat and Great-Grandma D. playing bingo.  The card markers were -- you guessed it -- Lego pieces.

M. and me, drinking coffee and playing bingo.

Of course, there were plenty of gifts.  Here's a Lego set.  Are you surprised?

An artist/illustrator friend drew or painted many posters for Kat, including these Star Wars cupcakes...

...and this portrait of Darth Vader.

Last but not least, Sage received a whole new hiking outfit for her and her dog.  Just in time for vacation!