
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Garden Tuesday - Coming Right Up

We had some really warm temperatures over the weekend and now everything's popping in the garden this week. Here's what going on:

Potted tulips.

Unfurling fern.

Almost there...

Lamb's ear.

Hens and chicks.

Anyone know the name of this ground cover we started from my dad's yard?

Foliage from same ground cover; leaves are reddish-green.

Another mystery plant.  Pretty sure it's Vinca, but the mystery is how it got there.
We don't remember ever having one.


Jerusalem artichoke is pretty and edible.

Scarlet Runner beans will also be both ornamental and edible.

White clematis.


Dogwood blossom.  One of my very favorites.

Kat's Garden:  Watermelon, some carrots, a replanted celery (from the grocery
store) and a cabbage she brought home from school. 
She doesn't like celery or cabbage.

Strawberries setting on.

Looks much different than when I took the same shot two weeks ago.

Leaf lettuce.

I let her pick a flower.  Why not?

This post is being shared at Garden Tuesday with Sidewalk Shoes.