
Monday, April 2, 2012

Weekend Randomness

  • To further our adventures in healthy, cultured foods, we picked up some water kefir grains from a local craigslister who was giving them away.  I'll be posting about water kefir and the other cultured foods we've been making sometime soon.
  • If you have noticed (or notice soon) one fewer follower on your Google Friends Connect counter, that's probably me.  Don't worry!  I'm still using Google Reader to follow you, but just not with GFC.  Not all blogs can be followed with GFC, so I'm just trying to get all my subscriptions to work the same way.  You know, to make my life a little less complicated.
  • There was much excitement at my daughter's house on Thursday of last week.  My son-in-law was in the attic for some reason on Thursday morning, stepped off the wood planks up there, and dropped in on their roommate by falling through the ceiling.  He's bruised about the ribs, but otherwise fine (paramedics were called and checked him out).  Shane went yesterday to help my daughter and SIL repair the ceiling so the roomie can move back in.
  • I spent some time over the weekend herding cats.  Yep, it's about as much fun as you think it would be. One of our cats (we think it was Siesta) managed to release the screen on our new back door and then Tuxie and Swiper got out. You'd think as much as that thing cost, it would be cat-escape-proof.   I managed to get them in, but the next day, Siesta and Tuxie managed to escape into the garage and were heading down the stairs to the basement.  I guess cats get cabin fever, too, but this nonsense has got to stop!
  • Our garden is coming along nicely; we've been eating asparagus almost daily for a week or more, and soon lettuce and radishes will be ready for salad.  I plan to go out later today to do some thinning and to get some photos for tomorrow's garden post.
  • I mentioned on Friday that I was going to work on a little crafty something to go with Kat's new dress, but I didn't get to that over the weekend.  I'll post it as soon as I get it done; either this afternoon or tomorrow.
  • I left the windows down in the van yesterday afternoon, thinking I'd be running another errand.  When that didn't happen, I forgot to go out and roll the windows up until the wee hours of the morning.  It was still 70° at 3:30 a.m., on April 2, in Missouri.  That's crazy warm for this early in the year!
  • I didn't just wake up and remember the van windows were down.  I didn't rest much at all last night, and it was just one of many odd things that came to mind as I was trying to get to sleep.  I feel -- and no doubt, look -- like (insert uncomplimentary/unpleasant descriptive phrase of choice) this morning, so I'm off to try to get a nap.  Probably won't happen with all I should be doing instead, but I'll be in much better shape if I can. 

What's new in your world?